Bespoke Hypnotherapy Packages
Welcome to my Changed For Good Flourish and Fly Packages.
In my life I have overcome a great many obstacles, including major illness, however, I feel my greatest breakthroughs have been in two particular areas. When I realised how much I had changed in these two important life areas, I knew I could help many others. That’s when I decided to design packages that would facilitate my clients finding the same success.
These are:
- Freedom to Speak & Be Seen: For both men and women. The focus is on confidence with presenting, speaking and becoming visible, so that you can achieve your career potential, with a purposeful impact.
- Freedom to Love Again: For women only (at present). The focus is on letting go of past relationships and hang-ups, and building confidence for a new loving future.

The Flourish & Fly package is completely bespoke, and tailor made to the individual. It is designed to take you through a process of total transformation.
We will initially have a 30 minute free consultation over Zoom or Skype to discover your needs, suitability and commitment to change.
If you want to proceed with the program, the preparation begins with a 90 minute discovery coaching session, either in person, or via Skype or Zoom. This involves reviewing your information, establishing your strengths and weaknesses, and creating a roadmap to your future success. This intensive session will dig deep into your current life, and your childhood memories and give us the focussed insights we need to clarify the best way to move forward with hypnotherapy sessions, for maximum benefit.
The program would then begin and there are three stages to Flourish & Fly. Each stage includes a hypnotherapy session, with mentoring in between:
- Freeing you from Fear, Painful Experiences and Past Beliefs
- Rebuilding - Creating the New Personality/Breaking through your current limiting thought processes.
- Creating your New Abundant Future, in which you live your life purpose, or find connection with your ideal partner.
This program will be tailor-made, to set you free from any negative thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that stop you living the life of your dreams. The number of hypnotherapy sessions is discussed and agreed upon before we begin the transformation process. Typically, I find that speaking and visibility issues are between 2 and 3 hypnotherapy sessions (for some people I can combine two stages into one).
For women who have been scarred by past relationships, up to 6 hypnotherapy sessions might be suggested.
All hypnotherapy sessions are preferable in person, but can be on-line.
Fear of Speaking and Being Seen
Is it time you moved up the career ladder? Is it time you lived to your full potential? Is it time you stopped being afraid to give that presentation? Is it time you found your voice at team meetings? Is it time you started marketing yourself, so that people know you exist? Is it time you started feeling comfortable in family group situations too?
If you answered yes, to any of these questions, then as a master practitioner, I can help you with Rapid Transformational Therapy.
The fear of presenting and speaking affects a great many people, and certainly affected me for most of my adult life. Its actually the number 1 fear, before death. It affects: salary, college graduation, and promotion opportunities; yet only 8% of people with this phobia seek help!
Overcoming these fears and going through this process, enabled me to change my carer and become a hypnotherapist, a writer, give speeches and make videos.
Before I tell you more about the bespoke speaking program, Freedom to Speak & Be Seen, know that, simply by listening to my audio recording Public Speaking, many people have had direct success at becoming self-confident. If you think that could be you, just download it here and start the for 21 day program.
Many people have much deeper issues with presenting and speaking, and being seen and heard. I’m not embarrassed to say that I was one of them. I had fears around failure, being judged, confrontation, not being liked, and not being good enough. It pretty much all came down to one pivotal moment in my life, aged 7 years! This scene/memory was to determine my personality for the next 40 years. My personal reality at 7 years old then shaped my personality. Hypnotherapy saved me.
Being released from this painful memory changed me in so many ways, and I can enable that for you too.
Is this Flourish and Fly: Freedom to Speak & Be Seen program for you?
- You are an ambitious man or woman who is having to avoid, or worse still deliver presentations or talks, and you are terrified.
- You feel that your fear holds you back from career progression.
- You are passed by for promotions, and you can’t show off your talents, because you compare yourself to more gregarious colleagues, who seem to swan up and speak out, with ease.
- You can't function because of the fear, and you feel so disappointed and frustrated with yourself on a constant basis.
- You are bothered about things like presenting at work, talking in board meetings, delivering your slots in the team updates etc.
- You want to find your voice with confidence, so you can simply be heard and share what you need to share, day to day.
- Your salary is less because you haven't dealt with this?
- Your business is suffering because you are not comfortable with being seen?
- You are uncomfortable in large social and family events.
Picture this outcome now:
You enjoy talking to your audience (whether thats 5 or 500 people), in person or even online. You can breathe, you can smile, your heart rate is natural and you can remember what you want to say. You feel released from internal terror and become that confident person in the meeting, who is comfortable to express their thoughts and opinions calmly and eloquently. You enjoy “the show”.
In my one-to-one sessions I help you get to the bottom of these debilitating, illogical fears. When you can understand why you have it, you can create new beliefs and be the confident speaker you want to be.
My one-to-one sessions have delivered phenomenal results. Here’s what some of my clients told me:
- “I feel so relaxed now when I talk in groups”
- “I’m actually enjoying speaking up at boardroom meetings”
- “I’ve stopped holding back on offering my ideas and opinions”
- “I’m so happy to be over my fear”
- “People have noticed I’m different”
- “My fear has gone. What a relief!"
Now you are ready to solve this puzzle, I'm here to help you unravel the mystery and put you on the future path that is waiting for you.
Make the decision to be Changed For Good and put this fear in the past! Contact me today. I look forward to hearing from you.
What my clients have to say
"My two sessions with Bertie, for public speaking have completely changed my life. Whilst at university, for three years, I had to deliver small presentations and I dreaded it. I would get myself worked up and panicked and not be able to deliver it the way I wanted to. When I started my first job I continued to struggle, which was not great because I worked in a sales position, and it was my job to present daily. The change in me happened so quickly and I was amazed to find myself with a new level of confidence, and able to stand in front of all those people, without feeling I would pass out. From there, I have gone from strength to strength. Not only have I continued to improve, but I am now considered to be one of the best presenters at my company! Who would of thought! Thanks so much Bertie."
Sophie, London
Fear of being alone and not finding love
Is it time you moved on with your life? Is it time you lived to your life with confidence and and self love? Is it time you stopped being hurt and angry about the past? Is it time you found your dream relationship? Is it time you stopped being so needy in relationships? Is it time you let go of a relationship that is hurting you? If you answered yes, to any of these questions, then, as a master practitioner, I can help you with Rapid Transformational Therapy.
The fear of not finding love again is very common, whether after a big break up, or a death, or the frustrations of single life, this can be at any age. Lots of women feel rejected, and on the scrap heap (some even in their 20’s). Some try desperately to hold on to a relationship that was long since dead, and/or feel afraid and unworthy of finding new love.
This happened to me at 48 years of age, so I know how it feels. I also know the courage and resilience it took to build back my self belief and self-esteem. I had to let go of the pain, the frustration and my fears of future rejection. If I hadn’t I been able to do this I probably wouldn't have had much success at dating.
I designed my program Freedom To Love Again, because so many women are trapped in negative beliefs about themselves, and so stay stuck in a past relationships that they just won’t let go of. They are full of anger and bitterness, and are carrying it around with them daily, despite their relationship being over many moons ago. Of course feeling and thinking this way, doesn't make you an attractive prospect to a new partner.
People want to be in relationships with people who are positive, forgiving, happy and generally enthusiastic about life. If you live in past pain, and not in the present moment, its unlikely you are going to deliver an appealing set of personality traits. No woman would want to date a man who continually moaned about his ex-wife, and compared you to her, every time you stepped out of line. So, why would a man want that for himself?
I’m a firm believer that you can let go of all your pain and negative thought patterns around being lovable, being attractive enough, being able to deal with rejection and ultimately feeling worthy of a great, romantic love.
Is this Flourish and Fly: Freedom to Love Again program for you?
You are female, lonely, and ready to start dating again.
You want to get better at dating and attract the right kind of love.
You want to stop obsessing about your past.
You want to talk less about your ex and focus more on your new future.
You are exhausted with the negative emotions and thoughts and are ready to give them up, once and for all.
You are ready to start the new chapter of your life.
You are done with playing the victim and ready to be the best you.
You are ready to trust again and find true loving connection, spiritually and physically.
Picture this outcome now:
You are feeling at peace with the past and excited about the future. You feel relaxed and confident, and you like yourself again. You feel lighter emotionally, and are no longer holding a grudge or feeling angry. You are looking for someone to love and share your life with, and don’t feel needy in any way. You know exactly what you want, and you believe it is available to you.
In our one to one sessions I help you to let go of any old emotional wounds from the past, change your internal dialogue, and break free from negative behaviours or addictions. Then we rebuild your self-esteem, confidence and resilience, so that you stop procrastinating and start taking action. Finally, we focus on what you want, and create new positive beliefs that help you to achieve the life of your dreams.
My one to one sessions have delivered phenomenal results. Here’s what some of my clients told me:
“I feel so much better, after I got all the anger out”
“I found the process so healing.”
“I feel more attractive than I’ve ever felt, and I’m much stronger in myself”
“What a great feeling it is to be over my ex-husband, once and for all”
“I feel like I’m a new human being”
“I feel confident that I will now meet the right man for me”
Now you are ready to move into the next chapter of your life, I'm here to help you break free from the past and put you on the future path that is waiting for you.
Make the decision to be Changed For Good and put new love into your future! Contact me today. I look forward to hearing from you.
What my clients have to say
"Dear Bertie, I am so grateful for my hypnotherapy. I really wanted to tell you that I felt better from the moment the session began. I instantly felt calm, and had a strong sense that I was already healing, just from our consultation. When I met you I really needed to heal from my divorce. After that one session, I felt free, relieved, and ready to move on and attract all that is good for me and since then I have been able to sustain this feeling.
One week after your hypnotherapy session, I attracted a new, happy and romantic relationship. I am still surprised at just how quickly it showed up! Not only that, I am very motivated in my work and working on my new masterpiece”. I have been recommending you to everyone. The changes were rapid and life-changing, and I can’t thank you enough."
Donna, Australia
Want to be changed for good?
Get in touch to see how hypnotherapy can help you.
All client data is kept strictly confidential.
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